General Information on the
"Photoacoustics and Photothermics"
organised by C. Buschmann1 and H.-G. Walther2
(organisation up to 2001 by C. Buschmann1 and P. Korpiun3)


1Botanisches Institut, Universität Karlsruhe
2Institut für Optik und Quantenelektronik, Universität Jena
3Fakultät für Physik, Technische Universität München

The Ebernburg-Workshop Photoacoustics and Photothermics is intended to bring together scientists applying photoacoustic and photothermic techniques in different fields of Biology, Chemsitry, and Physics. It is an interdisciplinary meeting with the following topics:

  • Study of living tissues including:
    • photobiology (photosynthesis, photomedicine...)
    • trace gas analysis
  • Study of micro-scaled properties including:
    • heat transport in complex structures
    • characterization of surfaces, bulk materials, and thin films

The workshop was started in 1988 and was continued in 1990, 1992, 1995, 1998, 2001 and 2003. It takes place on the castle of Ebernburg usually in the first half of October. By restricting the number to 35 participants we intend to provide the opportunity for an open and informal exchange of information. The joint accommodation on the castle of Ebernburg and the pleasant surrounding during the time of vintage will also provide ideal conditions to make this workshop a success.

The next workshop will be announced later


Information about the castle of Ebernburg


If you have any questions concerning the workshop, please contact us under the following addresses:

Claus Buschmann
Botanik II
Universität Karlsruhe (T.H.)
Kaiserstraße 12
D - 76128 Karlsruhe
tel. +49/721/608-4876
fax +49/721/608-4874 (secretary)
E-Mail: Claus Buschmann does-not-exist.botanik2 uni-karlsruhe de

Heinz-Günter Walther
Institut für Optik und Quantenelektronik
Friedrich-Schiller Universität Jena
Max-Wien-Platz 1
D - 07743 Jena
tel. +49/3641/947 233
fax +49/3641/947 202
E-Mail: walther does-not-exist.ioq uni-jena de