Welcome at the University of Basel

Who is running the EUCOR Plant Science at the University of Basel

At the Department of Environmental Sciences we currently have three (soon four) groups involved in plant science research


What we offer for EUCOR Plant Science students

The Department of Environmental Sciences offers two relevant Master’s programs: Master in Ecology and Master in Plant Sciences. Admission criterion is a Bachelor degree in Biology.

The core of the master program is a research project leading to the written master thesis. Projects typically involve work in the field, in plant growth facilities and/or in the molecular lab, and they last for about one year.

Students complement the practical part by participating in seminars, lectures and excursions. Courses and research topics in the program cover a broad spectrum of plant biology, from molecular biology to plant physiology, ecosystem processes, evolution and conservation.

Opportunities for EUCOR Plant Science students

Lab stage: Students can directly contact professors/group leaders. Individual agreements will have to be set up.

• Master thesis: Individual research project, duration is usually 12 months, can be reduced depending on the regulations of the home university.


Link to the University of Basel course directory listing: https://www.unibas.ch/en/Studies/Course-Directory.html

Note: Class registration ends four weeks after the lecture period begins.


EUCOR at University of Basel
General information for EUCOR students wishing to attend classes at the University of Basel (incoming)



Contact for the EUCOR TREE project at the University of Basel
Prof. Dr. Yvonne Willi, yvonne.willi∂unibas.ch, coordinator