- Startseite
- have a look
- Konferenzen
- press releases
- News Applied Biodiversity
- 2023_04 Bioherbizid
- 2022_05 Amaranth
- 2021_04 Banlangen
- 2021_02 Bioökonomie Phosphat
- 2021_01 Wildreben Klimawandel
- 2019_01 Grapes&Genes
- 2018_04 True Tulsi
- 2017_03 Achilles Heel
- 2016_05 Wild Citrus
- 2015_11 Immunity
- 2015_09 Gallic Acid
- 2015_06 New Weapons Against Esca
- 2015_02 Defensive Wines
- 2014_13 Alluvial Genes
- 2014_11 Cephalotaxus
- 2014_02 Dragonhead
- 2014_01 Dolce vita Rice
- News Plant Stress
- 2023_03 Gesunde Kommunikation
- 2023_02 Reis Klimawandel
- 2022_09 Salziger Wein
- 2022_04 Selbstmordsignal
- 2022_03 Zucker gegen Salz
- 2022_01 Eutypinose
- 2020_01 MT Time
- 2018_05 Cool Rice
- 2018_03 Death's Scent
- 2018_01 Drought Proteome
- 2017_05 MT-Thermometer
- 2017_01 Stress Electrics
- 2016_06 Wild Grape Tricks
- 2016_04 Intelligent Rice
- 2016_02 Rice and Selenium
- 2015_10 Grammar Drought
- 2015_07 Rice for a Future
- 2015_05 Life or Death?
- 2015_03 Cool Mutant
- 2014_12 Desert Cereals
- 2014_07 Stress Grammar
- 2014_04 Light Pain
- 2014_03 Desert Grapes
- News Cellular Biotech
- 2023_01 Cephalotaxus
- 2022_08 Algenbiotech
- 2022_07 Taxol
- 2022_06 Zell-Chip
- 2022_02_Motor_Thermometer
- 2021_03 Tubulinrätsel gelöst
- 2019_02 Trojan Horse
- 2018_02 thermometer
- 2017_04 muscle sensing
- 2017_02 metabolic LEGO
- 2016_01 nucleus - polarity
- 2016_03 plant microfluidics
- 2015_08_ginkgilobin
- 2015_04 nucleus space
- 2015_01 Margerite Krebs
- 2014_14 Glowing Grapes
- 2014_10 Richtung im Chip
- 2014_08 Pflanzen-Chip
- 2014_06 Leuchtende Reben
- 2014_05 Zellbiologie Steuerzahler
- 2014_01 PALM
- 2022_02_Thermometer_Genschalter
- Archive
- News Applied Biodiversity
- Symposium DialogProTec
- German Rice Research Network
- Rice 2015
- do research
- Applied Biodiversity
- Plant Stress
- Cellular Biotech
- Publications
- Klassiker
- 05 Salzstress Zeit
- 04 Jasmonat Klimastress
- 07 hebiba gene
- 10 Salz und Reis
- 02 MTs as thermometer
- 01 MTs and tropism
- 06 Auxin - two signals
- 09 Salt and Wine
- 06 Rice taking dark for light
- 10 Mikrotubuli Stress
- 11 MTs shape plants
- 11 Resveratrol
- 09 Actin, Auxin, Rice
- 03 Light moves gene switch
- 08 MTs signals shape
- 09 MTs nuclear import
- 10 Killeralge
- 08 MTs in action
- Klassiker Zelluläre Biotechnologie
- 2023
- 2022
- 2021
- 2020
- 2019
- 2018
- 2017
- 2016
- 2015
- 2014
- 2013
- 2012
- 2011
- 2010
- 2009
- 2008
- 2007
- 2006
- 2005
- 2004
- 2003
- 2002
- 1997-2002
- 1991-1996
- before 1991
- Klassiker
- join in
- have a look
- study
- Bachelor Biologie
- Semester 1
- Semester 2
- Semester 4
- Semester 5
- Modul 06
- M06A Modellorganismen
- M06B Modellbildung
- M06B Vorlesung 1
- M06B Vorlesung 2
- M06B Vorlesung 3
- 3 Information, Signal, Bedeutung
- M06B Vorlesung 4
- M06B Vorlesung 5
- 6 Kausalität
- 12 Tierversuche
- M06B Vorlesung 6
- M06B Vorlesung 8
- M06B Vorlesung 9
- 11 Freier Wille
- 13 KI
- M06B Glossar
- Anmeldung_2020
- Eingabe Abschnitt 1
- Eingabe Abschnitt 3
- Eingabe Abschnitt 4
- Eingabe Abschnitt 5
- M06C Seminar Biologische Konzepte
- Modul 07
- Modul 06
- Semester 6
- Lehramt Biologie
- ChemBio
- discuss: FKI
- Bachelor Biologie
- cooperate
- that's us
- Anmeldung Projekte
- Scientists
- PhD students
- Secretary
- Technical Staff
- Lab Trainées
- Students
- Guests
- Alumni
- how to find us
- Orders Molecular Biology
- links
- intranet
- Orders Cell Biology