Climate Disease of Grapevine unravelled
Climate change calls for victims, also in viticulture. Fungi that inhabit also healthy grapes, being harmless commensalists, turn into killers, when the plant is challenged by climatic stress. A grape that was strong and productive, can collapse within a week (so-called apoplexy). Eutypinosis is one form of this disease, where the fungus Eutypa lata is central. In concert with the Institute for Biological Compounds in Kaiserslautern we could show in frame of the Interreg Upper Rhine poject DialogProTec that this is caused by the compound eutypine. We were also able to show, which molecular structures are responsible here. When one oxygen at this molecule is reduced, the toxic effect disappears, instead an effect on microtubules appears. It is even possible to outcompete the effect of eutypine by the reduced variant of the molecule. This is evidence for a receptor. Thus, eutypine is not a toxin, but simulates a signal that in the plant can evoke an overshooting immune reaction culminating in cellular suicide. more on DialogProTec...
Publication 178. Guan PY, Schmidt F, Fischer J, Riemann M, Thines E, Nick P (2022) The fungal elicitor eutypine from Eutypa lata activates basal immunity through its phenolic side chains. Horticultural Res 9, uhac120 - pdf