Tropical Crops
Many food products and also other items of our daily use originate from tropical crop plants. Where does chocolate grow, why are banana bent, where is cotton coming from, being the material for most of our clothes? During our regular excursions you can learn the answer seeing, hearing, smelling, and tasting. On these pages we offer some portraits on known, but also some of the unknown tropical crops.
- Ananas (Pineapple)
- Banane (Banana)
- Baumtomate (Tree Tomato, Tamarillo)
- Cotton
- Cola Nut
- Curcuma (Turmeric)
- Curry Tree
- Drachenfrucht (Dragon Fruit)
- Fischschwanzpalme (Fishtail Palm)
- Galgant (Galgant)
- Kaffee (Coffee)
- Kakao (Cocoa)
- Kardamom (Cardamom)
- Maracuja (Passionsblume, Passion Fruit)
- Moringa
- Ohrenpfeffer (Makulán, Ear Pepper)
- Pandan
- Wunderbeere (Miracle Berry)
- Zitronenmyrte (Lemon Myrtle)
- Zuckerrohr (Sugarcane)