Here, you can find an updated inventory of the books we (should) have (state 04.05.2020) - EXCEL
the library in room 504 is for internal use and designed as presence library. Which means that books should not be taken out, but read on spot. When you have very urgent reasons to take a book, you have to register, and bring it back. We have lost so many books, because people did not return them. These books are then lost for everybody. Please take into consideration that most books are expensive (150-200 € in most cases).
The library is ordered according to the following categories:
- Textbooks, General
- Textbooks, Plants
- Cell Biology methods . concepts . organelles
- Development
- Plant Stress
- Biodiversity, Floras
- Phytomedicine
- Crop Plants
- Purves Biologie, 7th edition (D), see "Textbooks"
- Campbell Biologie, 6th and 10th edition (D), see "Textbooks"
- Sadava Life, 11th edition (E), see "Textbooks"
- Strasburger Botanik, 34th and 36th edition (D), see "Textbooks"
- Lüttge-Bauer, 10th edition and new version 2010 (D), see "Textbooks"
- Weiler-Nover Botanik (D), see "Textbooks"
- Nabors Botanik (D), see "Textbooks"
- Stryer Biochemistry (E), see "Textbooks"
- Taiz-Zeiger Plant Physiology 5th and 6th edition (E), see "Plant Physiology"
- Gruissem-Buchanan Plant Biochemistry (E, CD-ROM), see "Plant Physiology"
- Mohr-Schopfer-(Brennicke) Pflanzenphysiologie, 3th and 6th edition (D), 7th Edition (E), see "Plant Physiology"
This is a classical series comprising the classical knowledge on plant biology. When you search for the history of theories, you will find it there. High-quality contributions that are conceptually often very well written:
- Volume I: Genetic control of physiology. Cell biological basis
- Volume II: General physiology of the plant cell
- Volume III: Water relations of plants
- Volume IV: Mineral nutrition of plants
- Volume V: Carbon assimilation (two volumes)
- Volume VI: Assimilate transport and storage
- Volume VII: Lipid metabolism
- Volume VIII: Nitrogen metabolism
- Volume IX: Sulphur and Phosphorous Metabolism
- Volume X: Secondary Metabolism
- New Encyclopedia, Physiology of Movements (E)
- Wilkins Physiology of Plant Growth and Development (E)
- Rawitscher Geotropismus (D)
- Pringsheim Reizbarkeit der Pflanze (D)
- Haupt Bewegungsphysiologie (D)
- Häder Photomovement (E)
- Hensel Pflanzen in Aktion (D)
- Bünning Die physiologische Uhr (D)
- Haberlandt Lichtsinnesorgane der Blätter (D)
- Senger The Blue Light Syndrome (E)
- Mohr Lectures in Photomorphogenesis (E)
- Hurst Analysis Functional Food (E)
- Breitmeier Terpene (D)
- Likhtenstein Stilbenes (E)
- Kaltenböck Chromatographie für Einsteiger (D)
- Kolb Gaschromatographie in Bildern (D)
- Mercedente Carotenoid Handbook (E)
- Cserkati Liquid Chromatographie (E)
- Markham Systematic Identification of Flavonoids (E)
- Harborne Flavonoids (E)
- Markham Flavonoids (E)
- Sadikov Kurs Biologicheskoj Chimii (RU)
- Leistner Pharmazeutische Biologie (D)
- Dewich Medicinal Natural Products (E)
- Morreno-Arriba Wine Chemistry (E)
- Frey-Wissling Stoffwechsel der Pflanzen (D)
- Purves Biologie (D)
- Campbell Biological Concepts (E)
- Alberts Molecular Cell Biology, 3-4th Edition (D), 4-6th Edition (E)
- Wolperts Principles of Developmen (E)
- Stryer Biochemie (D)
- Smith Ökologie (D)
- Futuyma Evolution (E, with D translation)
- Zrzadý Evolution - ein Lese-Lehrbuch (D)
- Kutschera Evolutionsbiologie (D
- Strasburger Botanik, 34th Edition (D)
- Strasburger Botanik, 36th Edition (D)
- Davis Plant Hormones (E)
- Lüttge-Kluge-Bauer Botanik (D)
- Lüttge-Thiel Botanik (D)
- Esau Plant Anatomy (E)
Cell Biology
- Hayat: Principles and Techniques of Electron Microscopy (E)
- Romeis: Mikroskopische Technik (D)
- Kubitschek: Fluorescence Microscopy (E)
- Chalfie: Green Fluorescent Protein (E)
- Kumar: Biofunctionalisation of Nanoparticles (E)
- Kumar: Biological and Pharmaceutical Nanomaterials (E)
- Kumar: Nanosystems Characterisation Tools (E)
- Balzani: Molecular Devices and Machines (E)
- Methods in Plant Cell Biology Volume 1 and 2 (E)
- Anderson: Algal Culturing Techniques, location unknown (E)
- Gassner: Mikroskopische Untersuchung pflanzlicher Lebensmittel und Futtermittel, location unknown (D)
- Fawcett: Atlas zur Elektronenmikroskopie der Zelle (D). Location: library new building
- Hawes: Plant Cell Biology (E)
- Annual Reviews in Cell and Developmental Biology 2004 and 2005 (E)
- Coen: Cells to Civilisations (E)
- Kiermayer: Cytomorphogenesis in Plants (E)
- Lloyd: The Cytoskeleton as Basis of Plant Growth and Form (E)
- Leyser: Mechanisms in Plant Development (E)
- Breitmaier: Terpene (D)
- Fromm: Cellular Aspects of Wood Formation (E)
- Nick and Opatrný: Applied Plant Cell Biology (E)
- Robinson: The Golgi Apparatus and the Secretory Pathway (E)
- Samaj: Plant Endocytosis (E)
- Schliwa: Molecular Motors (E)
- Oparka: Plasmodesmata (E)
- van Bel: Plasmodesmata (E)
- Low Oxygen Stress (Plant Cell Monographs). Location: library new building
- Plant Hormone Signaling Systems in Plant Innate Immunity (Signaling and Communication in Plants). Location: library new building
- Induced Plant Defence against Pathogens and Herbivores (Agrawal). Location: reference Ernst Heene
- Zazimalová: Auxin and its Role in Plant Development
- Baluska: Signalling in Plants
- Lindsley: Polarity in Plants
- Fleming: Intercellular Communication in Plants
- Turnbull: Plant Architecture and its Manipulation
- Rengel: Handbook of Plant Growth - pH
- Hille: Ionic Channels of Excitable Membranes
- Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology - 2004 and 2005
- Barlow: Positional Controls in Plant Development
- Wilkins: Physiology of Plant Growth and Development
- Pringsheim: Reizbewegungen bei Pflanzen
- Haberlandt: Lichtsinnesorgane der Laubblätter
- Rawitscher: Geotropismus der Pflanzen
- Bowman: Arabidopsis - an Atlas of Morphology and Development
- Homöopathie (D)
- Chinese Drug Monographs volumes I-III (E)
- Müller: Pflanzen zur Wundbehandlung der mittelalterlichen arabischen Heilkunst in der europäischen Tradition (D)
- Leistner-Breckle: Pharmazeutische Biologie kompakt (D)
- Dewick: Medicinal Natural Products (E)
- Schrott-Ammann: Heilpflanzen der ayurvedischen und der westlichen Medizin (D)
- Zoller-Nordwig: Heilpflanzen der Ayurvedischen Medizin (D)
- Hegi: Illustrierte Flora von Mitteleuropa - vol. I, II-1, III-1, III-2, III-3, IV-1, IV-2A, IV-3, V-1, V-2, V-3, V-4, VI-1, VI-3 (lacking: II-2, IV-2B, VI-2)
- Wilmans: Ökologische Pflanzensoziologie
- Jost: Gehölzflora
- Jahn: Pilze rundum
- Schauer: Der große BLV Pflanzenführer
- Baumann: Die wildwachsenden Orchideen Europas
- Börner: Taschenwörterbuch der Pflanzennamen, location unknown
- Kresáneck: Unsere Heilpflanzen, location unknown
- Cappers: Digital Atlas of Economic Plants (3 volumes)
- Cappers: Digital Atlas of Agricultural Practice and Food Processing (3 volumes)
- Dhillon: Plant Genetic Research
- Moreno: Horticultural Crop
- Aribon: Wine Chemistry and Biology
- Arnold: Ecologie de la Vigne Sauvage
- Kadisch: Der Winzer
- Snock: Weinbau
- Hofmann: Biologischer Weinbau
- Nikfardjam: Polyphenole in Weißweinen
- Aerhardt: Geschichte der alten Traubensorten
- Blankenhorn-Hecker: Historische Texte Bd. 2: Weingeschichte, location unknown
- McGovern: Uncorking the Past
- Ferrero: Risografia
- Ferrero: Rice Landscapes of Life
- IRRI: A Farmers Primer on Growing Rice
- Ferrero: Rice Agroeconomic Traits
- Ferrero: Rice Cultivation History in Europe and India
- Papottini: Geographic Research on Rice
- Schwedt: Taschenatlas der Lebensmittelchemie, location unknown
- Sambrook: Molecular Cloning, volume 1-3 (E)
- Rehm Experimentator Proteinbiochemie (D)
- Rehm Experimentator Molekularbiologie (E)
- Ahlers Enzymkinetik (D)
- Kemphen Gentechnologie bei Pflanzen (D)
- Grotewold Plant Functional Genomics (E)
- Müller Methoden der Mikrobiologie (D)
- Galbraith Methods in Plant Cell Biology 1-2 (E)
- Hayat Principles of Electron Microscopy (E)
- Romeis Mikrotechnik (D)
- Kok Microwave Cookbook for Microscopy (E)
- Mason Fluorescent and Luminescent Probes (E)
- Kessler Nonradioactive Labelling of Biomolecules (E)
- Moore Research Experience in Plant Physiology (E)
- Van Dujin Signal Transduction - Single Cell Techniques (E)
- Nuccitelli Practical Guide to the Study of Calcium in Living Cells (E)