Veröffentlichungen 2012 - Forschungsarbeiten
88. Klotz J, Nick P (2012) A novel actin-microtubule cross-linking kinesin, NtKCH, functions in cell expansion and division. New Phytologist 193, 576-589 - pdf
Editorial Ram Dixit (2012) Putting a bifunctional motor to work: insights into the role of plant KCH kinesins. New Phytologist 193, 543-545 - pdf
89. Ismail A, Riemann M, Nick P (2012) The jasmonate pathway mediates salt tolerance in grapevines. J Exp Bot 63, 2127-2139 - pdf
90. Horn T, Barth A, Rühle M, Häser A, Jürges G, Nick P (2012) Molecular Diagnostics of Lemon Myrtle (Backhousia citriodora versus Leptospermum citratum). Eur Food Res Technol 234, 853-861 - pdf
91. Chang X, Nick P (2012) Defence signaling triggered by flg22 and Harpin is integrated into a different stilbene output in Vitis cells. PloS One 7, e40446 - pdf
92. Krtková J, Zimmermann A, Schwarzerová K, Nick P (2012) Hsp90 binds microtubules and is involved in the reorganization of the microtubular network in angiosperms. J Plant Physiol 169, 1329-1339 - pdf
Publicaciones 2012 - Rivistas y capitulos de libros
[28] Nick P (2012) Von der Ex-situ-Erhaltung bis zur Nutzung in der nachhaltigen Landwirtschaft: Das Beispiel der Europäischen Wildrebe. Ber Ges Pflanzenbauwiss 6, 36-38 - pdf
[27] Fischer R, Geisen R, Kämper J, Nick P, Requena N (2012) Molekulare Mykologie in Karlsruhe. Andrias 19, 13-22 - pdf
[26] Nick P (2012) Microtubules and the Tax Payer. Special Issue Applied Plant Cell Biology, Protoplasma 249 (Suppl 2), S81-S94 - pdf
Publicaciones 2012 - Editorials
Nick P (2012) Extend the power of cellular models. Protoplasma 249, 1-2 - pdf
Nick P (2012) Space matters. Protoplasma 249, 221-222 - pdf
Nick P (2012) Negotiating identity - glimpses on biological borders. Protoplasma doi 10.1007/s00709-012-0415-5 - pdf
Nick P (2012) Why the taxpayer profits from plant cell biology. Special Issue Applied Cell Biology, Protoplasma 249 (Suppl 2), S77-S79 - pdf
Nick P (2012) Eduard Strasburger – dead for a century, but still alive. Protoplasma 249, 857-858 - pdf