Glossar Fluoreszenzmikroskopie und Fluoreszente Sonden
Wozu ein Glossar?
Wissenschaft beruht auf klarem Denken. Klares Denken braucht klare Begriffe. In jedem Feld gibt es bestimmte Vokabeln, die man beherrschen muss, um mit anderen kommunizieren zu können.
ENG | D | Bedeutung |
artifact | Artefakt (arte factum) | False experimental data produced by problems of methodology or equipment |
Bimodal Fluorescence Complementation (BiFC) | Fluoreszenz-Komplementierung |
Fluorescence produced by two interaction partners fused to the two halves of a split YFP |
biolistics | Biolistik |
from Bio-Ballistics, shooting foreign DNA into cells (can be transient or stable, depending on the vector) |
bioluminescence | Biolumineszenz | Conversion of chemical energy into light (does not require excitation!), e.g. Aequorin |
BODIPY | BODIPY | Boron-DiPyrrromethene based fluorochromes with superior optical properties |
codon usage bias | Codonasymmetrie | Asymmetric occurrence of the different tRNAs conjugated to a given amino acid residue, organism-specific |
dichroitic mirror, beam splitter | dichroitischer Spiegel, Farbteiler | Filter that reflects or transmits light depending on wavelength |
diffraction | Brechung | Change in the direction of a light beam upon transition between different optical density (diffraction index) |
diffraction limit | Auflösungsgrenze | The smallest distance that can be resolved by light microscopy. According to Abbé's Law this limit is defined as ratio of wavelength by numerical aperture. |
DR5 | DR5 | Minimal auxin-responsive promotor made of a 5' mutation of auxin-response element D1-4 of the gene GH3 |
emission | Emission | Generation of light by an excited fluorochrome by transition from the singulet back to the ground state |
epifluorescence | Auflicht-Fluoreszenz | Microscopical set-up, where the excitation light is administered through the objective to the specimen |
evanescent field | evaneszentes Feld | Generation of a weak wave-front during total reflection at the border between different diffraction indices |
excitation | Anregung | Transition of a fluorescent molecule from the ground state into the singulet-state by absorption of a photon |
fluorochrome | Fluoreszenzfarbstoff | Molecule that is excited for fluorescence in the visible range |
FRAP | Fluoreszenz-Regenerierung | Fluorescent Recovery After Photobleaching - approach to measure protein dynamics by bleaching a ROI |
FRET | Förster-Resonanz | stands for fluorescence resonance energy transfer (irradition-free energy transfer between a pair of fluorochromes) |
numerical aperture | numerisches Apertur | product of sin a (opening angle of objective) and diffraction index n (1 for air, 1.41 for glass) |
optical tweezers | optische Pinzette | manipulation of small structures by a strong laser beam, based on gradients in diffractive index |
photoactivable | lichtaktivierbar | Fluorochrome, where fluorescence properties can be switched by light different from fluorescence |
pinhole | Lochblende | Small hole in confocal laser microscopy filtering light depending on its geometrical relation with the focal plane |
probe | Sonde |
Specific molecules that are used to investigate a specific biological process |
ratio-Imaging | Verhältnis-Abbildung | Approach in quantitative image analysis, where pixel intensities obtained at two emission wavelengths are divided to remove the influence of intensity changes not caused by the fluorochrome of interest |
reporter | Reportergen | Gene that is easily detected and reports the activitiy of the promotor under whose control it was placed |
ROI | Zielregion | Region of interest which is in the focus of investigation |
SEM | REM | Scanning Electron Microscopy, the surface of a sample is scanning using the signal of backscattered electrons |
STED | STED | stands for stimulated emission depletion, a specimen is excited by a laser and the excitation is quenched by a second laser. Due to interference of the laser waves, it is possible to generate an excitation spot that is smaller than the diffraction limit |
SIM | strukturierte Beleuchtung | approach to use interference patterns for excitation that can be smaller than the diffraction limit. |
Stokes-Shift | Stokes-Verschiebung | In fluorescence shift of the emitted light to lower energy (longer wavelength), caused by dissipation of heat during transition between different singulet states |
STORM | STORM | stands for 3D stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy, approach to reconstruct the exact position beyond the diffraction limt by using temporal information of a photoactivable fluorochrome. |
TIRF | TIRF | stands for total-internal reflection microscopy using the fact that an evanescent field can penetrate only a very short distance into the sample such that only the uppermost 50-100 nm are excited. |
two-Photon Laser | Zweiphotonenlaser | two coupled lasers of low energy are focussed such that energy is added up in the focus site |
visualise / visualize | markieren | to render a protein or structure visible, usually by specific labels |