Jorge Solis
The recent technological advances in robot technology, musical information retrieval, and artificial intelligence are enabling humanoid robots to roughly emulate the physical and perceptual capabilities of musicians while playing musical instruments. In particular, a wind instrument playing humanoid robot requires many different complex systems to work together integrating musical representation, techniques, expressions, detailed control and sensitive multimodal interactions within the context of a piece, as well as interactions between performers. More recently, the development of human-friendly robots drives research that aims at autonomous or semi-autonomous robots that are natural and intuitive for the average consumer to: interact with; communicate with; and work with as partners, besides learning new capabilities. In this talk, the research on the development of wind playing instrument humanoid robots is given. Qualitative experimental evaluations are described to understand what kind of impression musicians have about the robot’s performance, and therefore, to raise their possible implications.
Sprecher: Nach seiner Doktorarbeit in Robotik an der Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna in Pisa, Italien, ging er als Postdoc nach Japan und arbeitet seit 2011 als Associated Professor an der Karlstad Universität in Schweden und gleichzeitig der Waseda Universität in Tokyo. Sein Interesse gilt der Interaktion zwischen Menschen und Robotern und auch den erkenntnisphilosophischen und ethischen Fragen, die damit zusammenhängen.